Helicopter Tour Chichicastenango

Let's Start by Comparing

Ground Transportation

You should expect to drive around 145 Km from Guatemala City to Chichicastenango. The trip could take around a 3 – 4 Hour drive.

Gutemala City To Chichicastenango

To arrive at the beautiful market in Chichicastenango, you will need to take CA1 to the west until you reach Los Encuentros. 

Once you reach Los Encuentros intersection, you will need to turn right to 15th street. 

Chichicastenango market is in the intersection of 5th avenue and 7th street. 

If you need help coordinating ground transportation or accommodations, our partner Sparks Travel can take care of you.

But you can also try

Helicopter Tour To

Time: Helicopter from Guatemala City to Chichicastenango is just 25 minutes away. Helicopter from Antigua Guatemala to Chichicastenago is only 15 minutes away.

Views: Enjoy the highlands of Guatemala and take a view of the Guatemalan Quilt.

Exclusivity: Enjoy the privacy and personalized tour.

Experience: From start to finish, you get a dedicated team focused on your needs.

Helicopter Tour Chichicastenango

Our Top

Landing Spots
In Chichicastenango

Casa del Rey

Casa del Rey is a hotel near by the market and the closest place to land.

We can coordinate local tours and transportation once you land.

Chihicastenango Market

Chichicastenango Market is an amazing place and the biggest market in central america.

This is not actually a landing spot but its definitely the reason why you would travel to Chichicastenango.

Helicopter Charter Inquiry

Avoid traffic, enjoy the panoramic view from the air, spend time in the places you want to visit and enjoy to the fullest your trip in Guatemala. We have a dedicated team of knowledgeable professionals who will take care of you every step of the way.